What Exactly Is HIIT?

Something very much used by people who want to get in shape or who are already in shape. HIIT simply stands for High-Intensity Interval Training and is a not for the faint of heart. It's is a form of cardio that will really get your heart pumping and once finished with a session of HIIT, you will most likely want to hit the floor.

One of the things that make HIIT so amazing is the fact that it pushes your body past your limits forcing it to go into a state of shock and this ladies, is where the good stuff really starts to happen. This...is where you want to push yourself to keep going so you can achieve maximum results. Pushing the body past the point to where having the endurance to keep going seems almost unbearable is key to burning away at the fat and building muscle and well, hey...this is one of the main reasons we torture our bodies...right? ;) 

Not only is a good cardio and strength training session an amazing way to improve the way we look physically, but it's also good for cardiovascular health. Getting the heart rate going is essential to not only living a longer healthier life, but it is obviously a great way to get fit and stay fit. When we suddenly go from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one, the body starts to change drastically. 

It is important that before you start an intense regimen like performing HIIT that you go through a fit test to see where you physically stand, because if you get injured and can't perform any exercises...that would just not be good at all. You're trying to improve your body, not abuse it. Work with your body and it will work with you.

I'd like to add, HIIT should only last anywhere from 4-15 minutes, at max 30. Any longer and you could risk doing harm to your body.

Well, I guess that's y spiel on HIIT. I hope this serves you well and I really hope you make the best out of it because this form of exercise is just so great and something I know you won't regret doing once you start seeing results. It becomes an addiction. Seriously. I know about addictions...food is one of mine. Which is why I work my ass off to achieve the body type I want. 

Remember, being fit is earned...not something that happens with a snap of a finger. Put some effort into changing your lifestyle and I promise you will see amazing results. With that being said, here is a workout I have come up with for you. Perform it and kick it's ass because I know you can. Stretch first! You need to loosen those muscles and joints. Very important.

Jumping Jacks- Jump your legs out while you bring your hands over your head and then jump back to standing. To work your inner thighs, try crossjacks. Cross your feet and arms in front of the chest.

High Knees- Run in place while lifting your knees high to waist level-pump arms.

Scissors- Lie on your back shoulders off ground and hands at your side, (you can raise them for a more intense workout) raise your legs at a 90-degree angle while alternating them up and down.

Tricep Dips- Place hands on a couch, chair (make sure it's sturdy), or step. Do this with your fingers facing you. Lift your pelvis off the ground (heels and legs out at an angle) straighten your elbows to work the back of your arms.

Squats- Start with your legs shoulder width apart, arms parallel to the floor. Make sure your back is NOT rounded or else you will cause internal rotation in your shoulder blades and damage to your back. Also, make sure when you squat your back is straight and bend forward at a 45-degree angle. Bend at your knees making your glutes go about halfway to the ground and back up again.

Do each exercise for 1-minute intervals until failure. No cheating! Get it done and you will feel so great about yourself! Trust me.

-You are amazing, strong and beautiful. You are a fighter and a warrior. A force to be reckoned with. Do NOT let people stand in your way, do NOT let doubts, fears, and failures hold you back. You are capable of so many things. Don't forget that! Now....go kill your work out.

TRU FitGirl


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