How To Get Rid Of Bloat
You know that thing that happens when you've consumed a big meal or perhaps drank water too quickly and then you literally look like some woman who suddenly just became like 7 months pregnant? Yeah. That's called bloat...and it sucks! But it happens to the best of us. After all, we're only human. No worries though, I'm about to give you some awesome tips that will really float your "bloat"...I mean boat. Hah, sorry...couldn't resist.
Before I tell you how to get rid of bloat, first let me explain to you what it is, why and how it happens.
So basically what it is, is a build up of gasses in the abdominal area causing swelling of the stomach or increase of diameter in that area. The unfortunate thing with this is that it can make us feel very uncomfortable. Why? Well because not only can it make a person feel gassy, but it also takes its evil role in giving us abdominal cramps. As if we don't get enough of that each month...right ladies? Luckily, it's more often just a feeling of fullness.
Things to look out for during bloating that that could be potentially dangerous would be severe pain, fever, redness and swollen lymph nodes. If you have these symptoms, it's usually because of a serious infection and you should get this checked by a doctor right away.
So now I'm sure you're probably wondering how to eliminate bloat. Let me give you my bloat-busting tips!
1) Lemon Water- I rely on this stuff a lot because it just has so many benefits. Drink this and you can say buh-bye to bloat!
2) Ginger Tea- Mmm! Who doesn't love a nice cup of hot tea? I'm a big tea fanatic. My cupboards don't lie. Haha, anyways... Drink this and you should be on your way to feeling like your non-pregnant self again! Victory!! :)
3) Take A Stroll- This will get things in your system moving again making you feel lighter and uh...less backed up. Also, going for walks is a good way to get some exercise in. Now no excuses... Get up and get going! Don't let this bloat weigh you down.
4) Let It Loose- The gas that is....and if you must, the buttons on your pants too. Cuz you know sometimes you just gotta do whatcha gotta do. No shame! Anyways, it's certainly not healthy to hold in all that excess gas. If you do, it could only build up and make things worse. Don't want that!
5) Diet- This plays a big role in how your body will react to what you put in it. Cut out processed, sodium filled crap and replace those things with natural ingredients and you're good to go!
6) Tumeric- Helps as an anti-flatulent and aids in digestion increasing the activity of digestive enzymes.
7) Peppermint Tea- Has relaxant and antispasmodic properties that help relieve cramps and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.
8) Activated Charcoal- It helps get rid of all those toxins and impurities and can also absorb hydrogen sulfide. There are a few ways you can take charcoal.
-Tablet, chewable or non-chewable.
-Capsules (I personally prefer capsules)
To prevent bloat you should stay away from things high in sodium, chew your food, and drink your water (lots if it) slowly so you don't gulp in any air. Doing so will cause it to become trapped and that's what you want to avoid.
So there you have it! After this, you shouldn't have to deal with balloon-belly syndrome anymore! If you do, at least you know how to cure it. ;)
In upcoming blogs, I'm going to talk about some beauty related topics. So stay updated by subscribing and don't forget to comment and like!
TRU FitGirl
-Don't let your body control you, control your body and you will see a whole new outcome.
Things to look out for during bloating that that could be potentially dangerous would be severe pain, fever, redness and swollen lymph nodes. If you have these symptoms, it's usually because of a serious infection and you should get this checked by a doctor right away.
So now I'm sure you're probably wondering how to eliminate bloat. Let me give you my bloat-busting tips!
1) Lemon Water- I rely on this stuff a lot because it just has so many benefits. Drink this and you can say buh-bye to bloat!
2) Ginger Tea- Mmm! Who doesn't love a nice cup of hot tea? I'm a big tea fanatic. My cupboards don't lie. Haha, anyways... Drink this and you should be on your way to feeling like your non-pregnant self again! Victory!! :)
3) Take A Stroll- This will get things in your system moving again making you feel lighter and uh...less backed up. Also, going for walks is a good way to get some exercise in. Now no excuses... Get up and get going! Don't let this bloat weigh you down.
4) Let It Loose- The gas that is....and if you must, the buttons on your pants too. Cuz you know sometimes you just gotta do whatcha gotta do. No shame! Anyways, it's certainly not healthy to hold in all that excess gas. If you do, it could only build up and make things worse. Don't want that!
5) Diet- This plays a big role in how your body will react to what you put in it. Cut out processed, sodium filled crap and replace those things with natural ingredients and you're good to go!
6) Tumeric- Helps as an anti-flatulent and aids in digestion increasing the activity of digestive enzymes.
7) Peppermint Tea- Has relaxant and antispasmodic properties that help relieve cramps and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.
8) Activated Charcoal- It helps get rid of all those toxins and impurities and can also absorb hydrogen sulfide. There are a few ways you can take charcoal.
-Tablet, chewable or non-chewable.
-Capsules (I personally prefer capsules)
To prevent bloat you should stay away from things high in sodium, chew your food, and drink your water (lots if it) slowly so you don't gulp in any air. Doing so will cause it to become trapped and that's what you want to avoid.
So there you have it! After this, you shouldn't have to deal with balloon-belly syndrome anymore! If you do, at least you know how to cure it. ;)
In upcoming blogs, I'm going to talk about some beauty related topics. So stay updated by subscribing and don't forget to comment and like!
TRU FitGirl
-Don't let your body control you, control your body and you will see a whole new outcome.
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