Say Goodbye To Cellulite
Who loves cottage cheese? I do! I would just prefer not looking like I have it all over my butt, thighs or stomach. So how do we solve this problem? It's kind of simple, actually.
Before I tell you how to get rid of this thing called cellulite, I want to tell you what it is and how it occurs. So... What's our body's worst enemy? Fat. That disgusting, horrible, evil culprit that strikes back with a vengeance whenever we stuff our mouths with a delicious tub of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey Icecream. Is it worth it? Maybe. Just be ready for an insane calorie burning, fat torching workout afterwards... Because you know that if you don't work off your little guilty pleasures that it'll bite you in the ass later on.
So ladies, grab those weights and start lifting! After that, try to get in a 15-minute cardio session. Always do cardio after training your muscles, because not only will you burn more fat, but you will have more energy to push forward through your workout. Doesn't make sense to drag your feet and do it all half-assed when you know that you can get in a better more effective workout the other way around. So I would say do 15 minutes strength, and 15 minutes cardio.
When we don't exercise or keep up with a healthy, nutritious lifestyle it can be so detrimental to our bodies. To prevent cellulite from forming under the skin, make sure you are keeping active (lifting weights is a really good idea) also, eating non-processed foods that contain lots of protein which will give you the energy you need to power through your workouts. Be committed to a healthy lifestyle and workout plan. Don't do it half-assed or you won't see maximum results. Put in the effort and feel good about yourself. Seeing the physical results is just a bonus.
Ok so now you know that fat is the cause of cellulite, and one of the main things you can do to prevent or get rid of it is exercise... I'd like to tell you a few more reasons as to why this stuff accumulates on our bodies.
1) Slow metabolism- If this is something you suffer from, no worries! There are ways to speed it up! You'll want to start by getting in a full 8 hours of sleep. Very important! Another way to speed up that metabolism is intermittent fasting. Basically, you fast for an entire day and just drink water and then eat all your calories in the evening before a workout session.
2) Poor Dieting- This includes all those fad diets out there. Just back away from them. You don't need those because all they will do for you is slow your progress down and leave you feeling tired and low on energy. Also, most likely cause you to binge eat. Not good! Eat healthy, live healthy. Just don't go cray cray on the calories. Very easy to do!
3) Lack of Physical Activity- C'mon. I don't have to explain this one ladies. Get those bootays in gear and start moving! You'll thank yourself for it later when you're feeling better and looking great! Just stare at yourself in the mirror and tell the inner lazy self that you own the day and you are a warrior! Ain't nothin stoppin' you. *HiiYA!*
4) Hormone Changes- Ugh... Right? But it happens. Best just to try and make the best of it and use my tips to the best of your ability.
5)Dehydration- Drink up! None of that liquid courage though. I'm talkin about water. Drink 8 glasses of this a day with some lemon and blueberries and you've got yourself a very tasty drink that is great for fat loss and clearer skin!
So now that we've determined fat to be the source of all that unwanted cellulite, what are some other methods to getting rid of it other than the obvious diet and exercise routine? Well, apple cider always seems to be an obvious choice, right? This is because it is high in acidics and because of this it is the very reason why people all over the world use it for fat loss. Make sure you buy the organic brand though because it contains all the natural sources you'll need to see the results you want. You'll know if it's organic if it has sediment at the bottom of the bottle. That's what you're looking for.
If you want to reduce the look of cellulite you can always use a self-tanner. Just be careful with which ones you purchase because there are a lot of crap brands out there. Also, if you're gonna tan... I would stay away from the tanning beds because they are actually very bad for your skin in the long run. Try and stick with lotions and sprays. If you can, use organic.
Now you've read all the advice I have on cellulite and what it is. Just remember though, cellulite or no cellulite... You're beautiful just the way you are. Don't let anyone make you feel like anything less than that! Although, there is nothing wrong with working towards a healthier happier lifestyle if that's what you want. I can guarantee it will be the best decision you have ever made.
Until next time, take care!
TRU FitGirl
-Your body, your choice. You choose to live how you want. But in the end, your decision will reflect your lifestyle choices... So choose wisely.
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